Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Genre time

         Today in class my group and I discussed the many different choices for genres. Genres such as comedy, action, drama, and horror. We discussed many different movies in these categories such as the Fast and Furious movies and the Scary Movie movies. It was hard to decide on which genre we wanted to produce a movie in...
Image result for scary movie

           We decided to go in the direction of the comedy genre. My partners and I are big believers in the fact that laughing can make someone’s day better. The comedy genre aims to make people laugh and creates a fun atmosphere. “Comedies are light-hearted dramas, crafted to amuse, entertain, and provoke enjoyment. The comedy genre humorously exaggerates the situation, the language, action, and characters. Comedies observe the deficiencies, foibles, and frustrations of life, providing merriment and a momentary escape from day-to-day life. They usually have happy endings, although the humor may have a serious or pessimistic side.”

            It was a successful, productive second day. We now have our genre: comedy. We also have some research to help us in creating our film openings. Now onto our film ideas...

*Link for research

Monday, February 26, 2018

Monday, February 26,2018

               I decided to create a film opening with a group. First I chose my group. My group consists of open minded people in which we can bounce ideas off of each other. My partners and I have worked together before and work well together on a numerous amount of projects. I chose to do a group due to the fact that there will be more ideas flowing. If I work by myself I limit the project to what I think of.

                My group and I decided to create the film opening instead of the magazine article because of our previous successes. My partners names are Robert and Alex. My group and I also have fun when making movies. Having fun in our group leads to more success.At this point in the project, we do not know what exactly our film will be about. However, I expect that we will come up with and idea soon!